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Snoezelen Fiber Optic Sparkling Tunnel, 35-1/2 Square Inches

Item #: 2125283
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Look up at twinkling stars from the comfort of your sensory room, care center, or anywhere a soothing breath is needed.

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About This Item


Fiber optic carpet texture brings visual and tactile appeal to the full-length central tunnel, with a soft 2-1/4 inch thick mat for a comfortable area to lie and crawl on. Designed to complement your entire Snoezelen sensory experience, this tunnel is compatible with Wi-Fi Wireless Controller. Includes LED light source. Black carpet on the inside of the tunnel creates a soothing blackout effect that allows for more vibrant lights and color. Consider installing near a wall to allow the light source to be mounted out of reach. Can be switched ON/OFF. Switch included. Product includes a wooden frame for stability. Available in Dark Blue. The tunnel measures 35-1/2 W x 35-1/2 D x 35-1/2 H inches with a wide opening of 25 W x 25 H inches.

Product Brochure


  • Multisensory experience includes tactile and visual engagement throughout the tunnel
  • Large tunnel openings provide easy monitoring for administrators or therapists, with few blind spots
  • LED lights are energy efficient and low heat emitting, providing a longlasting and safe lighted experience
  • Outside of the tube encased in vinyl for a durable, easy-to-clean experience
  • One year warranty provided by manufacturer
  • 1 Tunnel
Shipping Details
Shipping Type: non parcel
Free Shipping: false
Allergens: Contains No Allergens
Certifications: Not Applicable
Specialty Shops: FlagHouse
Safety: Caution Icon. No Choking Hazard
SUOM Description: Each
Brand Name: Snoezelen
Description: Fiber Optic Tunnel
Snoezelen Fiber Optic Sparkling Tunnel, 35-1/2 Square Inches