School Specialty

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For Every Kid Who Dreams Bigger

Somewhere out there, a young girl is sitting in a science class dreaming of being the first person to set foot on Mars. There’s a boy learning vocabulary who will one day write a speech that inspires the world. A pre-schooler is just learning her shapes and colors. It’s the foundation she needs to transform her future. And ours

A group of high school kids gathers round a table. The collaboration they learn here will help them become the doctors, inventors, teachers and leaders they hope to be. There are thousands of other students eager to become the trailblazers and world changers they have the potential to become. Our mission is to help them get there. Our product line is filled with best-in-class furniture, supplies, art products, and science equipment. But our purpose is even greater. Together, we will transform much more than classrooms. We will prepare today’s students to transform the future.