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Innovating Science Diffusion and Osmosis, Small Group Learning
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About This Item
Students will study the movement of water and nutrients across a cell membrane and observe osmosis in living tissue. They will then investigate the relationship between surface area and volume as it relates to cells and diffusion. They will also examine the concept of molarity and how it relates to osmotic potential and the movement of water. Students will be able to explain how cell size and shape affect the overall rate of nutrient intake and water elimination. Students will also use plant tissue to determine the molarities of unknown solutions based on the direction and degree of water movement. This kit has all of the materials needed for 4 groups, including a teacher's manual and student study guide copy masters.Additional Materials Needed but NOT Included:
- Paper Towels
- Distilled or Deionized Water
- Electronic Balance
- Large Onion (red and purple onions work particularly well)
- Fine-Point Forceps/Tweezers
- Microscopes
- Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, or Yams
Kit Includes:
- 25g Agar
- 8mL Bromothymol Blue Concentrate
- 25mL 2.0M Hydrochloric Acid
- 4 Agar Block Casting Trays
- 4 Plastic Cups (5-Ounce)
- 4 Plastic Knives
- 4 Plastic Stirrers
- 4 Metric Rulers
- 20 Pieces of Dialysis Tubing
- 24 Plastic Cups (7-Ounce)
- 1 Package Microscope Slides
- 1 Package Coverslips
- 1 Cork Borer
- Sucrose QuickSolution (to make 250mL of 1.0M solution)
- Sodium Chloride QuickSolution (to make 250mL of 1.0M solution)
- Glucose QuickSolution (to make 250mL of 1.0M solution)
- Ovalbumin QuickSolution (to make 250mL of 5.0% solution)
- Food Coloring Set (red, blue, yellow, green)
- Sucrose QuickSolution Set to Make:
- 250mL of 0.2M Solution (Solution #3)
- 250mL of 0.4M Solution (Solution #2)
- 250mL of 0.6M Solution (Solution #5)
- 250mL of 0.8M Solution (Solution #1)
- 250mL of 1.0M Solution (Solution #4)
- 250mL Distilled Water (Solution #6)
Shipping Type:
Free Shipping:
Grade Level:
Adult Post Secondary
Contains No Allergens
Not Applicable