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STEM Multi-Sport Curriculum for Grades K to 2
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Modules break down the science aspects of basketball, football, golf, and soccer and provide varying levels of physical activity for the youth involved
About This Item
Our STEM Multi-Sport Grades K-2 is a fun, new, and novel way to introduce motor skills, spatial awareness, and movement patterns to students in K-2. When applicable, we have aligned the lessons to NGSS, CCSS, and the National Standards for K-12 Physical Education making this curriculum great to use in the classroom. Hands-on learning through play is a big part of how all STEM Sports® curricula activities and lessons are applied, and none more than with the STEM Multi-Sport Grades K-2 kits, designed specifically for kindergartners, first and second-grade students.Features
Includes: 1 Curriculum Manual 6 Youth Outdoor Basketballs, 25-1/2 Inches 6 Pee-wee Footballs 6 Foam Footballs 6 Soccer Balls, Size 3 6 Playground Balls 1 Small-size Iron 1 Small-size Putter 4 Large Targets and Flagsticks 2 Launchpads 8 Balls 24 Disc cones 6 Digital Stopwatches 6 Tape Measures, 25 Feet 1 Weight Scale 5 Indoor Cut Ball Swatches 5 Outdoor Cut Ball Swatches 5 Calipers 100 Latex Balloons 3 Balls Bags 1 Ball Pump 1 Set of Inflation Needles
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