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Shell Education Content Area Writing that Rocks and Works, Grades 3 to 12
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Foster and sharpen writing skills with a purpose!
About This Item
Create an innovative and collaborative classroom environment where students enjoy writing, with this standards-based resource. Third through twelfth grade scholars will learn key strategies to improve their writing skills based on their interests in technology, social media, and other contemporary topics.Features
- Classroom teachers are provided with engaging ideas to support writing instruction across the content areas, including suggestions for differentiation and assessment
- Students will implement tools for thinking, processing, and reflecting to develop college and career readiness skills
- Helps students develop their writing skills and motivate them to enjoy writing using their interests in technology, social media, and other topics
- Provides practical strategies that allow teachers to help their students learn to utilize writing as a tool for processing and understanding content material
- 118 Pages
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Maximum Age:
18 years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 12