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NewPath Learning ELA Curriculum Learning Module, Grade 1
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About This Item
Newpath ELA Curriculum Learning Module, provides a complete set of resources designed to support teacher instruction and student mastery of 25 standards-based, 1st Grade Language Arts topics including Spelling, Grammar, Phonics, Sight Words, Reading Comprehension, Following Directions, and more. Used in combination or individually, the resources provide detailed instruction of the concepts listed below through a blend of technology-based instruction combined with hands-on review/reinforcement and game-based learning. Includes: Grade 1 Curriculum Mastery Game, Flip Chart Set, Visual Learning Guide Set and 1 Year Online Learning Subscription with access to Language Arts games, interactive activities, quizzes and more! Providing complete coverage of current state and national Reading and Language Arts standards to include Common Core, the Curriculum Learning Module is the perfect resource for differentiated instruction, learning centers, small groups, individual review and classroom resource.
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Maximum Age:
7 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 2