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Molymod Organic Chemistry Teacher Edition Molecular Model Set, Set of 251
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Molymod Organic Chemistry Teacher Edition Molecular Model Set includes 111 atom-parts and 140 links that are packed in a four-compartment box with instruction sheet and short link remover tool. It is ideal for studying isomerism, optical, positional, skeletal, functional group, geometric and conformational. It also helps to build a wide range of organic structures such as alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, aldehydes, ketone, carboxylic acids, esters, ethers, halogen compounds, amines, amides, amino acids, cycloalkanes, polymers, benzene and even some simple biochemical molecules such as glucose and lactic acid.(111) Atom-Parts, (140) Links
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Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 12
Number Of Pieces:
111 Atoms & 140 Links
Maximum Age:
12 years