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Evan-Moor Daily Language Review, Grade 3
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Evan-Moor Daily Language Review Workbook for grade 3 renders five items for every day of a 35-week school year that is presented in a standardized-testing format. Book of 112 pages help to keep your students very sharp in punctuation, sentence editing, vocabulary, reference, grammar and word study skills. Includes scope-and-sequence charts, suggestions and answer keys for the teacher.Features
- Reading Comprehension: analogies, categorizing, cause and effect, fact and opinion, inference
- Vocabulary/word Study: base words, prefixes, suffixes, contractions, homophones, rhyming, synonyms & antonyms, comparatives & superlatives forms, word meaning from context, spelling
- Punctuation: punctuation at the end of a sentence, periods in abbreviations, commas in dates, in addresses, in a series, and to separate dialogue, colons in time, apostrophes in contractions and possessives
- Capitalization: sentence beginning, days, months, holidays, books, magazines, songs, plays, proper names and titles of people, names of places
- Grammar and Usage: correct articles, double negatives, pronouns, singular & plural nouns, verb forms, run-on sentences, sentence types, subject & predicate, parts of speech: verbs, nouns, adjective, and adverbs, subject/verb agreement, combining sentences, parts of a friendly letter
- Reference Skills: alphabetical order, dictionary guide words, reference materials, syllabication
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Maximum Age:
9 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 4