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Achieve It! Spanish Leveled Readers K-L Fiction & Nonfiction, Set of 50
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Provide your students with this huge variety of Spanish books to keep them motivated to read!
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About This Item
Add to your classroom library with this robust collection of Spanish titles for second graders. Introduce your students to a broad range of fiction and nonfiction books with these high-interest Spanish-language books. Selection includes children's stories, illustrated books, adventure books, mystery books and science fiction books.Features
- Reading level and topics are ideal for Grade 2
- ISBN: 9781635024531
- Reading Level F (min) to Q (max)
Includes One Each of the Following Titles:
- A dónde se fueron los dinosaurios?
- Abran Paso a Los Patitos
- Abuela
- Alexander, Que Era Rico El Domingo Pasado
- Amelia Bedelia
- Asi Vamos a la Escuela/This is the Way We Go to School
- Aves De Todo Tipo
- Camuflaje y disfraz
- Cerdos
- Cómo Se Mueve el Sonido (How Sound Moves)
- And 40 more titles ...
extended shipping 4-8 weeks
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Maximum Age:
8 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 2