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Achieve It! Spanish Leveled Readers E-F Fiction & Nonfiction Books, Grade 1, Set of 50
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An engaging book set featuring fiction and non-fiction titles written in Spanish that are sure to both inform and entertain your students. Recommended for Grade 1 students.
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About This Item
This large selection of Spanish titles is a great way to enhance your new or growing classroom library. Full of fun and informational titles, this book set is sure to keep students entertained as they find themselves immersed in vivid illustrations and engaging story lines. Set of 50 books included.Features
- Recommended for Grade 1 students
- Reading Level E to F
- ISBN: 9781635023657
- ¡A dar palmadas!
- ¡Locos por insectos y arañas!
- ¿Cómo oímos?
- ¿De que esta hecho?
- ¿Dónde Estoy?
- ¿Qué Necesito?
- A Sembrar Sopa De Verduras
- ¿Adonde se fue mi perrito?
- Bizcocho
- Bizcocho Encuentra Un Amigo
- And 40 more titles ...
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Maximum Age:
7 Years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 1