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Innovating Science Principles Of Stoichiometry
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Ever wonder what would happen if you mixed this chemical with that one? This kit lets students determine the answers!
About This Item
This kit has been designed to allow students to perform experiments to see what types of reactions occur when various solutions are mixed together. Four different experiments focus on the concepts of decomposition reactions, single replacement reactions, double replacement reactions and balanced reactions. The materials in this kit are packaged to minimize the need for teacher preparation providing 5 unique sets of materials for students working in groups of 6. The dropper topped bottles allow students to perform the array experiments without the risk for cross contamination of chemicals. Teacher’s Manual and Student Study Guide copymasters are included.Features
- Ten 5 mL Cupric Sulfate, 1 M;
- Five 3 mL Cupric Nitrate, 0.1 M
- Five 3 mL Nickel Nitrate, 0.1 M
- Five 15 mL Lead Nitrate, 0.1 M
- Five 3 mL Cobalt Nitrate, 0.1 M
- 5 Bottles Labeled "0.1 M Nitric Acid"
- Five 3 mL Silver Nitrate, 0.1 M
- Five 3 mL Aluminum Nitrate, 0.1 M
- Five 3 mL Iron (iii) Nitrate
- Five 3 mL Sodium Carbonate, 0.1 M
- Five 3 mL Sodium Sulfate, 0.1 M
- Five 3 mL Ammonium Hydroxide, 0.1 M
- Five 3 mL Sodium Chloride, 0.1 mL
- Five 3 mL EDTA, 0.1 M
- Five 15 mL Sodium Iodide, 0.1 M
- Five 3 mL Sodium Thiocyanate, 0.1 M
- Five 3 mL Sodium Chromate, 0.1 M
- Five 3 mL Sodium Dichromate, 0.1 M
- Five 3 mL Sodium Hydroxide, 0.1 N
- Five 30 mL di Water
- Five 12 mL Hydrochloric Acid, 1 N
- 5 Bottles Labeled "1 M Nitric Acid"
- Five 12 mL Sulfuric Acid, 1 M
- Five 12 mL Calcium Nitrate, 0.1 M
- Five 12 mL Sodium Oxalate, 0.1 M
- 65 mL Nitric Acid, 1 M
- 5 pkg 9 x 0.5 Inch Aluminum Metal Strips
- 5 pkg 9 x 0.5 Inch Zinc Metal Strips
- 5 pkg 9 x 0.5 Inch Copper Metal Strips
- 5 pkg 9 x 0.5 Inch Magnesium Metal Strips
- 15 Preprinted Acetate Grid Sheets
- 15 Dual Well Combo Plates
- 1 Package Wooden Dowels
- 5 Forceps
- 2 Packages Carbon Electrodes
- 20 Cotton String Pieces
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