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Hand2Mind Learn To Teach Math With Manipulatives, Grades K to 5
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Teach math with hands-on tools that help students succeed.
About This Item
Teach math with hands-on tools that help students succeed. The Hand2Mind Learn to Teach Math manipulative kit includes both the fundamental and innovative manipulatives that are key to effectively teaching math in Grades K-5 along with instruction on how to teach math the hands-on way. A comprehensive activity guide provides information on how to use each manipulative along with two or three sample activities for each grade.Features
- Visual representations of abstract concepts help student comprehension
- Hands on activities help with student motivation and engagement
- Instruction guide supports teachers with lesson ideas
- Activities are appropriate for Grades K-5
- Base 10 Flat
- 20 Base 10 Unit and 20 Base 10 Rods
- Base 10 Dry-Erase Mat
- Mini 20-Bead Rekenrek
- Number Path, 5 x 5 Geoboard
- Advanced Number Line Clock
- 20 Two-Color Counters
- 74 Cuisenaire Rods
- 100 Snap Cubes
- 50 Pattern Blocks
- 51 Rainbow Fraction circles
- 200 Place Value Chips
- 40 Foam Color Tiles
- Activity Guide
Shipping Type:
Free Shipping:
Contains No Allergens
Maximum Age:
10 years
Maximum Grade Level:
Grade 5