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Eisco Labs Garage Physics High Power Catapult Kit
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About This Item
The High Power Catapult allows students of any age to explore the concepts of force, acceleration, parabolic trajectory, center of mass, Hooke's law, vector components, and class 2 levers while also providing hours of fun. The DIY kit is simple and quick to assemble, and includes adjustable parts to experiment with different initial conditions. Instructions included with the kit detail learning exercises and routes of further exploration. Everything needed to build the catapult is included. The wooden pieces are made from 3/4 inch pine and 1/2 inch plywood. This kit is sourced and assembled entirely in the United States, and correlates well with NGSS standards 3-PS2-1&2, MS-PS2-2, and HS-PS2-1 (Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions).
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Grade Level:
Middle-High School
Contains No Allergens
Not Applicable