School Specialty

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We can help
you make the
most of your
school funding.

Discover the right solutions to meet your goals.

Education funding is vital to help address the many needs and priorities of schools today. Finding the best solutions to meet your goals can help ensure those funds and grants will have the greatest impact.

To support you, we’ve brought together a range of solutions curated specifically to address your funding sources — from ESSER to Title 1 and beyond — and your top educational initiatives – supporting academic achievement, CTE, Early Childhood, extended learning, SEL, Health & Safety and more.

We don’t stop there. We’re here to partner with you to support your initiatives. You can start with the expert insights and resources below and feel free to contact your Sales Representative for solutions tailored to your unique needs.

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To help us assist you, please tell us about your funding needs.

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From federal grants to funding by state, explore additional resources

State Education Funding

To find out more about your state or territory education funding, use the dropdown menu below: